We have been participating in Mental Health Awareness week. This year’s theme is ‘loneliness’. During the last 2 years we have spent more time inside and away from our closest family and friends than ever before and this year mental health awareness week is looking to ensure we fight off loneliness. We created an agenda to allow us to bond as a team, feel some love and be reminded we’re never alone here at Monkey Puzzle!

Mega Monday – We wrote each other post cards and reminded each other why we are awesome!

Together Tuesday – We celebrated this day by going for our first ever Team Dinner. It was a great evening filled with delicious food and lots of laughter!

Wellness Wednesday – Today we have all worn green in support of Mental Health Awareness and at our staff meeting this evening we will took on some Well-Being challenges.

Thoughtful Thursday – Each of our staff members got a little jar with their name on it. We asked everyone to write a note for each staff member to remind them they are never alone. They took home their own jar at the end of the week and can use it to perk them up when they feel down. The team loved it and have been busy writing notes for each other during their breaks.

Freedom Friday – Today we had a day of doing everything we love! There was lots of ABBA songs, singing in the staff room, drinking coffee in the sunshine and we were even treated to some home cooked lunch and dessert by the team! What a way to finish mental health awareness week.

During the weekend, Rachel and Francesca travelled to Birmingham for the launch of Kate Moxley’s Well Being in Early Years book. They were asked to speak at the launch as they are 2 of the published authors in the book!

We are so proud of them!!