On Inset days our nursery is closed for our children and our staff have a day of training and organising.

We started our day with a lovely breakfast for the team. This was followed by a presentation about our pedagogical approach ‘In The Moment Learning’ where the focus is on the curiosity of the child. As part of this training, our team had to set up ‘invitations to play’ and ‘provocations’ in their rooms to understand how we can support children with their interests, needs and development through our activity set ups.

The next presentation was by about our garden aspirations and aimed to inspire the team with an inviting garden set up. The team was challenged to think about the different areas of development that are supported in this set up.We then focused on refreshing our safeguarding knowledge by doing a Quiz together. We were very impressed with our team’s knowledge on this very important topic!

To end our trainings, we had a ‘Makaton’ training. We learned some of the most important signs such as ‘more’, ‘good morning’, ‘please’, ‘mum’ and ‘dad’.